Create a Child Theme in Magento 2

In our previous blog, we learned how to set up a theme in Magento 2. In this blog, we are going to learn to create a child theme.

What is the child theme in Magento 2?

A child theme is the inheritance of a parent theme with all the properties. It helps to create customization as per your requirements.

Why is it required to create a child theme in Magento 2?

If you want to modify certain aspects of the out-of-the-box theme preserve the original files and ensure all changes are saved after Magento is updated, you need to create a child theme

#Steps to create a child theme

Step 1: Create a child theme folder in the below-mentioned folder path-Magento_root_folder/app/design/frontend/{theme-vendor-name}/{parent-theme-name}_child

#theme-vendor-name: Coditron (The vendor name should be PascalCase.)

#parent-theme-name_child: luma_child


Step 2: Create a theme.xml file under app/design/frontend/Coditron/luma_child directory and add the following content in theme.xml

Tags used in theme.xml files are:

<title>-Title of the child theme that is Luma child

<parent>-parent theme name which we are inheriting from that is Magento/luma theme

<media>- Theme preview image which is visible in Magento 2 Admin theme configuration section.

Step 3: Create the registration.xml file under app/design/frontend/Coditron/luma_child directory and add the following content in registration.xml

Step 4: Create a composer.json file under app/design/frontend/Coditron/luma_child directory and add the following content in composer.json

Step 5:In the admin panel, go to content->design->themes and check your child theme.

Step 6: Take a backup of pub/static folder for images, CSS, and js. Also, delete the static folder and run the command of static content deploy.

Step 7: Go to the Magento root directory and run the following command:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Step 8: The newly created child theme will also deploy in the pub/static folder.

That’s all for creating a Magento 2 child theme! You can now proceed with customizing your child’s theme.

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